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State-of-the-art Treatments by Calgary's Leading Board Certified Academic Surgeons.

Our clinic offers a full range of services dedicated to relieving the pain and frustration that prevent our patients from living fully in their everyday lives. We pride ourselves on openness and transparency as it is vital that our patients have an incredible level of confidence in us, our treatment plans, and our resources.  Our expertise drives us to effectuate positive change in the long-term health and well-being of our patients.

Our pursuit of curating the best minds in the field allows us to offer a complete in-house program that operates as a one-stop resource for our patients. Connections made through years of practice allow us to serve Alberta with a premiere healthcare delivery model. Our commitment to chasing excellence and the innovation of new technologies propels us to catalyze long-lasting change within health care. Our goal is to provide exceptional care to all patients.

We believe there is more to be done to improve care for those who live with surgical disorders in Alberta.

Colon Cancer Screening

Diverticular Disease

Gallbladder Disease

Incisional Hernias

Varicose Veins


Sebaceous Cysts

Inguinal and Umbilical Hernias

Our network of surgeons also specializes in treating a multitude of disorders. Please contact us directly for more information regarding these treatments.

Our work and practice is evidence-based. We are methodical and data-driven in our approach because we believe in results. Our goal is to make our patients feel better and fundamentally improve their lives.

Laser Hemorrhoidoplasty

Southern Alberta Surgical Center is a clinic  that offers this treatment for the common occurrence of hemorrhoids that negatively affect the quality of life for many people.

Comprehensive Breast Health 

Launching our Comprehensive Breast Health Program. This initiative (partnered with BEAM Radiology) will be Calgary’s first multidisciplinary Breast Health Program.

Rapid Iron Therapy Program

A multidisciplinary collaborative program, that offers enhanced rapid iron therapy for patients.

Womens Wellness

Vaginal dryness, laxity, and Genitourinary Syndrome of Menopause (GSM) are all common conditions that affect women.  Southern Alberta Surgical Center offers innovative, customized, non-invasive treatments to improve your quality of life.

Pelvic Floor Rehabilitation

A specialized rehabilitation program involving internal and external assessment and treatment of the pelvic floor muscles.  Our multi-disciniplanary team specialize in pelvic floor investigations and evidence-based, state-of-the-art therapy offered only at Southern Alberta Surgical Center.


Southern Alberta Surgical Centre is the first clinic in Canada that offers a multi-disciplinary approach to the treatment of incontinence utilizing novel technologies such as InMode™, electric muscle stimulation, and radio frequency ablation to profoundly improve your quality of life.

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