Hemorrhoids are vascular cushions and can be either external (on the outside of the anus) or internal (in the anal canal). Everyone has hemorrhoids but they can become symptomatic with enlargement, and bleeding, and cause discomfort as a result of increased pressure. Hemorrhoids are a common problem that negatively affects the quality of life for many people.

What are the Symptoms?
◇ Discomfort
◇ Prolapsed tissue
◇ Bleeding
What Causes Hemorrhoids
◇ Chronic constipation or diarrhea
◇ Low-fiber diet
◇ Prolonged sitting on the toilet
◇ Pregnancy
◇ Aging
◇ Obesity

Treatments offered at Southern Alberta Surgical
Treatment will vary depending on the grade/size and symptoms of the hemorrhoids. At the Southern Alberta Surgical Center, we are fully equipped to offer all available diagnostic modalities including anoscopy and sigmoidoscopy. Our team, including our Royal College Fellowship, certified surgeons can determine the most effective treatment modality for each patient.
◇ Can be performed with local freezing only
◇ Minimal postoperative bleeding
◇ No foreign material left
◇ Short operative time with a minimal recovery period
◇ Significantly less painful option to surgical hemorrhoidectomy
◇ Requires no sedation
◇ <5 min procedure
◇ Minimal discomfort
◇ Same-day return to work
For more severe cases (grade III and IV) of hemorrhoids, surgery to fully excise the hemorrhoids may be necessary. These procedures will be arranged and scheduled at the time of your appointment with the surgeon you are seeing.